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December 19

UK Schools Launch 'Smartphone-Free Movement'

Four schools in Worcestershire have launched a pioneering initiative in education. Kempsey, Welland, and Hanley Swan Primary Schools, together with Hanley Castle High School, have partnered with parents to encourage students to refrain from using smartphones until at least Year 9.

Bryony Baynes, headteacher of Kempsey Primary School, pointed out that even five-year-olds now own smartphones, which can lead to significant social and psychological challenges. Highlighting the impact of WhatsApp group conflicts that foster jealousy and drama among students, Baynes stated, “In the past, you could leave your school problems behind when you went home. Now, access to social media perpetuates anxieties and insecurities.”

The schools plan to introduce educational programs on smartphones and social media for students in the coming year.

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