Enstitü Career
Our Team

İpek Coşkun Armağan
General Coordinator

Selçuk Aydın
Coordinator of Social Research

Oktay Cem Adıgüzel
Senior Researcher

Rahmet Savaş
Senior Researcher

Sefer Soydar
Director of Research Supports and Projects

Fatmanur Kartav
Director of Corporate Communications and Events

Ayşenur Arıca
Director of School Development Program

Volkan Levent Akgünlü
Director of Educational Research Program

Turgay Öntaş
Senior Researcher

Zeynep Yıldız
Senior Researcher

Talip Yiğit
Senior Researcher

Nursen Tekgöz

Oğuz Köklü

Abdullah Uğur

Yıldız Kulkul

Ahmet Şentürk

Ayşe Hilal Akın

Sümeyra Uzun

Murat Yaş

Rumeysa Hafızoğlu

Fatma Betül Karalı Impram

Muhammed Ali Uçar

Fatma Betül Ercan

Refika Angkasa

Özlem Turan

Münübe Zeynep Yılmaz

Amine Ertürk

Gülrenk Hayırcıl
Digital Production Supervisor

Ömer Çeşim
Video Production Specialist

Muhammed Seleş
Graphic Design Specialist

Betül Berra Kurt
Graphic Design Specialist

Beyza Gözükızıl
Event and Organization Specialist

Kübra Nur Duman
New Media Specialist

Rana Canan Cömert
New Media Assistant Specialist

Muhamed Sarenkapic
Video Editing Assistant Specialist

Betül İbaçoğlu
Video Editing Assistant Specialist

Leyla Erdal
Assistant Project Specialist

Duygu Sena Doğan
Human Resources Assistant Specialist

Recep Ali Taşpınar
Administrative and Technical Affairs Officer

Zeynep Keskin
Research Assistant/ Illustrator

Yiğit Çelik
Research Assistant

Banu Zehir
Research Assistant

Merve Dede
Research Assistant

Güler Bayrak
Administrative Assistant

Yunus Emre Yıldırım
Library Staff

Muhammet Emin Erdoğan

Cansu Kuru
Institute Secretary
Become a member of the Library for Postgraduate Studies
A working environment conducive to in-depth study
İpek Coşkun Armağan
İpek Coşkun Armağan received her BA in English Linguistics from Hacettepe University and pursued a minor in sociology. She completed her master’s degree in the Department of Sociology at Gazi University with a thesis on educational inequality. Armağan completed her PhD in sociology of education with a thesis on violence and conflict in schools. She has national and international publications, articles, research, and books on education policies, equality of educational opportunity, internationalization, migration policies and radicalization. Armağan worked at the SETA Foundation from 2009 to 2017. She served as an Adviser to the Minister at the Ministry of National Education from 2017 to 2021. From 2021 to 2023, she was a member of the executive board at the Turkish Maarif Foundation. As of August 2023, İpek Coşkun Armağan is the General Coordinator of Institute Social.
Selçuk Aydın
Selçuk Aydın graduated from the Department of International Relations at Ankara University, and he completed his master’s degree in political economy of the Middle East and PhD in the Defence Studies Department, School of Security Studies at King’s College London. He worked as a senior researcher at the TRT World Research Center, played a role in the establishment of TRT World Forum and TRT Broadcasting Strategy Center, and participated as a manager in various projects at TRT. He has published articles, book chapters, and opinions on Türkiye’s history, social movements, diaspora, Kurdish and Middle East studies, world order, and politics. He is currently an assistant professor at Boğaziçi University.
Oktay Cem Adıgüzel
Following his bachelor’s degree Oktay C. Adiguzel received his M.A. and PhD in Educational Science at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in France in 2000 and 2004 respectively. He joined the Faculty of Education at Anadolu University, specializing in Educational Sciences, Educational Programs, and Instruction. He assumed the position of Assistant Professor in 2005, became an Associate Professor in 2011, and was granted the title of Professor in 2016, taking on various academic and administrative roles at the university. Currently, he serves as a visiting researcher at Université du Quebec à Montréal (UQAM) in Montreal, Canada. Adıgüzel has led numerous research projects supported by national and international institutions, contributing to various publications and collaborative works on a global scale. He served as an advisor at the Turkey Maarif Foundation between 2021 and 2022 and later as a consultant at the Ministry of National Education from 2022 to 2023.
Rahmet Savaş
Rahmet Savaş completed her undergraduate education with honors in the Department of Mathematics at Yüzüncü Yıl University. She pursued her master’s degree in Mathematics at Indiana University, where she earned an assistantship scholarship and received her PhD from Sakarya University in 2008. In 2015, she became an associate professor, followed by obtaining the title of professorship in 2019. In 2013, she participated in the TUBITAK-MEB joint project titled “Mathematics Textbook Writing Project for 9th Grade”. Her project titled “Science and Puzzle Games for Early Detection of Gifted Children in Low Socio-Economic Level Families” supported by the Istanbul Development Agency in 2018 and led by her, earned the Most Successful Project Award in the Community Service from the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). Savaş is engaged in academic publications, projects, books, and thesis advising in the fields of Mathematics (Analysis and Function Theory), Data Analysis, and Mathematics Education. She served as a faculty member and head of the Mathematics Department at Istanbul Medeniyet University from 2013 to 2024. As of 2024, she is serving as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Haliç University. She is actively involved in the management of various civil society organizations in education and women’s fields and provides consultancy in mathematics to several educational institutions.
Sefer Soydar
Sefer Soydar completed his undergraduate studies in the Department of History at Middle East Technical University. He earned his master’s degree from the Department of History at Boğaziçi University, where he conducted a spatial analysis of the social and economic activities of waqfs in Ottoman Cyprus for his thesis. He has worked as a researcher on various international projects in the fields of digital humanities and geographic information systems and has published research papers. Additionally, he has worked as a teaching assistant in the Department of History at Boğaziçi University and as a research assistant in academic studies related to the intellectual, political, and economic history of the late Ottoman and early Republic periods. He is currently pursuing his doctoral studies in the Department of History at Boğaziçi University.
Fatmanur Kartav
Fatmanur Kartav graduated from the Department of Sociology at Istanbul University. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in the Department of Graphic Design at Altinbas University. She has taken on roles in event coordination at Garaj Istanbul, an art performance space, and subsequently gained experience in content creation for digital advertising campaigns for various companies. Between 2017 and 2023, she was involved in organizing international social responsibility projects, competitions, and summer schools at the Türkiye Maarif Foundation. Her expertise extends to video production and editing, digital marketing, and content writing. As of September 2023, she serves as the Director of Corporate Communications and Events at Institute Social.
Ayşenur Arıca
Ayşenur Arıca received her BA in the Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling from Boğaziçi University. She started her professional career as a psychological counsellor and then worked as a coordinator in a curriculum and teaching material development project at the Turkish Maarif Foundation. She worked as a team leader in an academic coaching centre working with children diagnosed with ADHD in the USA. She has experience in various fields including education both in Türkiye and in the USA.
Volkan Levent Akgünlü
After completing primary school in Germany, he grew up in Istanbul, where his family settled. In 1995, he graduated from the Department of History at Istanbul University and began his academic career as a lecturer in the Department of Ottoman Institutions and Civilization History at Istanbul University. In 2002, he left his position at the university and moved to London, where he began his doctoral studies at SOAS. During this time, he worked for many years at the university library of University College London. To further improve his Arabic and Farsi, he spent some time in Syria and Iran during his doctoral studies. While in London, he also worked as an English translator at an international translation company. In 2016, he returned to Türkiye and took on the roles of history teacher and department head for the International Baccalaureate Program at NUN High School. He also taught English for a time after earning a CELTA teaching certificate from the University of Cambridge.
Turgay Öntaş
Turgay Öntaş completed his undergraduate education in 2007 at the Department of Social Studies Education at Sivas Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Education. Subsequently, he obtained his master’s degree in the Department of Primary Education at Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences in 2010 and earned his doctoral degree in the Department of Classroom Education at Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences in 2014. In 2021, he was granted the title of associate professor. Between 2010 and 2015, he served at Private Maya Schools, and from 2015 to 2020, he worked at Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University. From 2018 to 2021, he also served as an Advisor to the Minister of National Education. As of 2020, he continues his academic activities at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University. Öntaş's academic research focus on social studies education and teacher training.
Zeynep Yıldız
Zeynep Yıldız earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary mathematics education from Gazi University in 2007. She completed her master’s degree at the same university in 2009 with a thesis on “computer-assisted mathematics instruction”. In 2014, she obtained her PhD from Marmara University with a dissertation on “mathematical problem posing”. During her doctoral studies, she conducted research at Texas Tech University in the USA and the University of Manchester in the UK. From 2009 to 2011, she worked as a mathematics teacher at a primary school. Since 2011, she has been a faculty member at Yıldız Technical University, and in 2020, she was awarded the title of Associate Professor. Her expertise includes elementary-level mathematics education and teacher training. In addition to her national and international publications, conference presentations, book chapters, and projects in the field, she supervises master’s theses and provides consultancy for institutions.
Talip Yiğit
He completed his undergraduate studies at Hacettepe University and earned a master’s degree from Erciyes University in 2009. He received his PhD from Hacettepe University in 2015. In 2016, he started working as a full-time faculty member at Istanbul 29 Mayıs University. He has published numerous national and international articles, book chapters, and completed projects. In recent years, his research has concentrated on the development and evolution of complex systems utilizing large datasets, as well as the modeling of life patterns. He has also conducted data-driven studies on quality assurance systems, academic efficiency, and the transformative potential of scientific knowledge in higher education institutions. His work on the pre- and post-diagnosis development of Alzheimer’s and dementia, using large datasets from Turkey, has been featured in prominent international journals. Currently, he continues his work on innovative educational models for the future and serves as the Coordinator of the Quality Unit at Istanbul 29 Mayıs University.
Nursen Tekgöz
Nursen Tekgöz graduated from the Department of Sociology at Istanbul University with a minor in the Faculty of Law. She got her master’s degree from the Migration Studies Program at the Department of Sociology with her thesis titled “The Reflections of the Migration Process of Syrian Origin in Turkey” at the same university. In 2021, she began her doctoral studies within the same department. Her areas of scholarly research and interest covers urbanization, migration, volunteerism, and civil society. Tekgöz has several published books, book chapters, articles, presentations, and reports. Since 2014, she has been an active field researcher, participating in numerous projects conducted by prestigious institutions such as TÜBİTAK and TÜBA, as well as various universities, public entities, and private organizations. From 2017 to 2021, Nursen Tekgöz held the position of Coordinator at Istanbul University’s Volunteer Academy. Currently, she serves as a researcher at Institute Social.
Oğuz Köklü
Oğuz Köklü completed his undergraduate and graduate education in the Department of Teaching Mathematics at Boğaziçi University in 2008 and 2012, respectively. He started working as a research assistant at Marmara University in 2009 and worked as a teaching assistant for courses such as Number Theory and Differential Equations. Köklü worked as a course assistant, research assistant, and lecturer during his doctoral studies at the University of Georgia in the United States. Köklü, completed his doctoral thesis titled “Students’ Informal Notions of Variability,” and has published numerous research studies, articles, book chapters, and been involved in workshops, projects, and graduate-doctoral advisorships on statistics education. He currently continues his studies at the Department of Teaching Mathematics at Boğaziçi University and focuses on teacher education, statistics, and data science education in his research.
Abdullah Uğur
Abdullah Uğur holds a bachelor’s degree in Turkish Language and Literature from Yıldız Technical University. He pursued his master’s degree at Marmara University’s Institute of Social Sciences and earned his doctoral degree at Marmara University’s Institute of Turkic Studies. Currently, he serves as a lecturer at Marmara University. Abdullah Uğur has a comprehensive portfolio of publications spanning a broad spectrum, from Ottoman culinary culture to Sufi texts and cultural studies.
Yıldız Kulkul
Yıldız Kulkul completed her undergraduate studies in the Department of Philosophy at 29 Mayıs University and her master’s degree at Ibn Haldun University. She is currently pursuing her doctoral studies at Marmara University. She has worked as an education coordinator and teacher in various educational institutions and civil society organizations. Additionally, she has served as an assistant and author in numerous curriculum projects. Since 2016, she has been actively involved in conducting teacher training, certification programs, and projects for children and teenagers in the field of philosophy. Presently, as the founder of Atölye Felsefe and ÇİF-DER, she conducts “Pedagogical Training for Teaching Philosophy to Kids” certification programs. Yıldız Kulkul is the author of a teacher’s handbook “Hadi Felsefe Yapalım” (Let’s Do Philosophy) and Doğru Düşünme Becerileri (Developing Thinking Skills for the Right Mindset) and the children’s philosophy storybook “Yetişkinler Bizi Neden Anlamıyor” (Why Don’t Grown-ups Understand Us?). She currently works as an Educational Researcher at Institute Social.
Ahmet Şentürk
Ahmed Şentürk completed his undergraduate studies at Istanbul University, Faculty of Theology, and is currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in Religious Education at the same university. His thesis, titled The Impact of Ankara University Faculty of Theology on Post-1980 Religious Culture and Ethics Education Programs, explores the faculty’s influence on curriculum development. Since 2016, Şentürk has been working as a teacher under the Ministry of National Education. He is also a member of the Book Writing Commission under the General Directorate of Religious Education. He works as an education researcher at Institute Social.
Ayşe Hilal Akın
Ayşe Hilal Akın completed her undergraduate studies at Ankara University’s Faculty of Divinity and obtained her master’s degree in the Department of Philosophy of Religion at Istanbul University’s Faculty of Theology, focusing on the theme of the relationship between religion and science in her thesis. She continued her academic journey by pursuing her doctoral research at the same institution, where she delved into the relationship between teleological judgments and the faculty of imagination within the context of Immanuel Kant’s critical philosophy. She has published national and international articles and conducted research in the fields of religious language, conceptions of God, aesthetics, and religious education. Between 2018 and 2023, Ayşe Hilal Akın served within the Religious Sciences Department at NUN Schools. Currently, she continues her role at NUN Schools, engaging in curriculum consulting and contributing to the authorship of Religious Culture and Ethics textbooks. She serves as an Educational Researcher at Institute Social.
Sümeyra Uzun
Sümeyra Uzun, who completed her undergraduate studies in the Department of Theology at Marmara University and Early Childhood Education at Boğaziçi University, completed her master’s degree in the Department of Religious Education at Istanbul University with a thesis on comparative education, particularly early childhood religious education. Her doctoral research focuses on “curriculum development in early childhood religious education”. Uzun has an extensive portfolio of national and international publications, articles, research, and book chapters on early childhood religious education, integrated education programs, and theories of religious development. Since 2011, she has been actively engaged in teaching and administrative roles within the schools under the Ministry of National Education. As of August 2023, she is contributing to educational research projects conducted by Institute Social.
Murat Yaş
Murat Yaş obtained his bachelor’s degree in Economics from Boğaziçi University. He completed his master’s and doctoral studies in Islamic Finance at INCEIF University in Malaysia. During his master’s studies, he served as a visiting graduate student at the ICMA Centre at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom. Subsequently, he was a Visiting Researcher at Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University in Japan. His research interests include financial markets, Islamic finance, and Asian studies. Yaş currently is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Islamic Economics and Finance, Marmara University. He serves as a Researcher in the field of Social Studies at Institute Social.
Rumeysa Hafızoğlu
Rumeysa Hafızoğlu, after completing her undergraduate studies at Istanbul University Faculty of Theology, completed her master’s degree in tafsir at the same university on “Dating of Qur’anic verses in British orientalism”. She continued her studies at the University of Jordan and Tripoli University in Lebanon. Hafızoğlu is currently a PhD candidate in Sociology of Religion at Marmara University. Her research interests cover a wide range of topics such as religion and gender, Muslim women, youth and religion, dynamics of social change and the ongoing debates around religion and secularization. She has presented papers titled “Comparison of interpretations of Qur’anic verses in the context of universal-historical dichotomy”, “Qur’an and Gender” and “The Construction of Muslim Women Discourse on YouTube” in workshops and symposiums. Hafızoğlu is actively involved in social projects outside the academy and regularly publishes on topics of intellectual interest.
Fatma Betül Karalı Impram
Fatma Betül Karalı holds a bachelor’s degree from Bursa Uludağ University, Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling. Having completed her master’s degree in the same field at Hacettepe University with her thesis on “Examining Quarter-life Crisis Among Active Students and Graduates”, Karalı is currently pursuing her PhD at Marmara University, Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling. She took part in projects such as “Integration of Syrian Children into the Turkish Education System” and “Youth Online Project”. Since 2020, Karalı has been working with adolescents, adults and families in line with the training and supervisions she has received, and continues her research and publications on various topics focused on educational sciences and mental health in the academic field.
Muhammed Ali Uçar
Muhammed Ali Uçar completed his undergraduate studies in the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna and has earned his master’s degree in the same department with a thesis focusing on public diplomacy and public media. Currently, he is pursuing his doctoral research in the field of political participation and political party memberships. With a significant background in the media industry, Uçar has contributed to the establishment processes of TRT World, TRT Deutsch, TRT World Forum, and TRT World Research Centre. He has also taught courses in political parties, political participation, media, public media, and new media at various universities in Türkiye, Germany, and Austria.
Fatma Betül Ercan
Fatma Betül Ercan completed her undergraduate studies at Boğaziçi University, Department of Psychology, and her Master’s degree in Neuroscience at Istanbul Medipol University. She has worked as a project manager and psychologist in various NGOs on psychosocial support and addiction projects. She has conducted scientific studies on memory, microbiota and Alzheimer’s disease. She works as an educational researcher at Institute Social.
Refika Angkasa
Refika Angkasa holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Islamic Sciences and Philosophy from Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, where she also completed her Master’s degree in Philosophy. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Philosophy at the same institution. She has two years of teaching experience at Kartal Anatolian Imam Hatip High School and is a co-founder of the Atölye Felsefe platform, where she conducts Philosophy for Children (P4C) workshops and provides trainer training. Angkasa is also a professional tour guide. She runs projects that combine museum visits with philosophy workshops. She works as an educational researcher at Institute Social.
Özlem Turan
Özlem Turan lisans öğrenimini 2014 yılında İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümünde, yüksek lisans öğrenimini 2017 yılında Marmara Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Türk Dili Bilim Dalında, doktora öğrenimini de 2023 yılında yine aynı üniversitenin aynı bilim dalında tamamlamıştır. 2018’den bu yana Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Öğretmenliği Bölümünde lisans düzeyinde Osmanlı Türkçesi dersleri veren Turan, yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi alanında da Yunus Emre Enstitüsünde üç yıl çalışmıştır. Asıl uzmanlık alanı olan Çağatay Türkçesinin yanı sıra Türk dilinin farklı dönemleriyle ilgili yayınları vardır. Enstitü Sosyalde eğitim araştırmacısı olarak çalışmaktadır.
Münübe Zeynep Yılmaz
Münübe Zeynep Yılmaz completed her undergraduate studies in the Department of Business Administration at Anadolu University. In 2018, she earned her first master’s degree with a scholarship in the field of Educational Psychology at Baylor University in Texas, USA. During her master’s program, she also served as an educational counselor at the university’s academic counseling center. In 2020, she obtained her second master’s degree in the Department of Educational Management at Istanbul Medeniyet University. Her master’s thesis was focused on the role of culture-sensitive pedagogy in the adaptation of Syrian refugees to the school environment. Yılmaz’s research areas include education policies, social justice, identity formation in immigrant populations, education of underprivileged students, culturally sensitive teaching, and multicultural education. She has a substantial number of academic contributions, including publications such as academic papers, book chapters, and conference presentations, both nationally and internationally. Currently, she is pursuing her doctoral studies in the field of school development at Texas State University and holds the position of research assistant at the same institution, furthering her commitment to advancing education. In addition to her academic pursuits, between 2021 and 2023, she conducted research on Muslim youth as part of the Family and Youth Institute in the United States, where she serves as a researcher at Institute Social.
Amine Ertürk
Amine Ertürk completed her undergraduate studies in the Department of International Relations at Bilgi University and later pursued a master’s degree in the Asian Studies Program at Boğaziçi University. During the years 2007 to 2014, she was actively involved in research and publications at the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation. Her research articles focused on Muslim communities in China were published in national magazines and newspapers. In October 2023, the Proceedings of the Symposium on Orphans and Abandoned Children for which she served as an editor was published by Istanbul University Publications. Since 2015, Ertürk has been involved in translation and editorial work.
Gülrenk Hayırcıl
She completed her Ph.D. with high honors in the Department of American Literature and Media Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen. She has been a speaker at both domestic and abroad conferences on the formation and transmission of cultural memory and has published various works in this field. She has taught courses in American Literature, English Language Teaching, English Literature, and English Translation and Interpreting at Beykent University, Haliç University, Istanbul Bilgi University, and Topkapı University. She also volunteered in the European Kinship System Project at Humboldt University of Berlin, as well as in the activities of organizations such as Joliba-Berlin and the Afro-Turk Association. She worked as an editor and consultant at TRT TÜRK. As of August 2024, she serves as the Digital Production Officer within the Corporate Communication and Events Coordination Department at Institute Social.
Ömer Çeşim
Ömer Çeşim has received intensive film making courses in various institutions such as Vancouver Film School, Istanbul Media Academy, Istanbul Design Center, and Film Arası Magazine. He is currently pursuing his undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at Yıldız Technical University. Starting his career in video production in 2012, Ömer Çeşim has been involved in many production companies and in various fields such as directing, cinematography, editing, visual effects design, and color grading for many documentaries broadcasted on national and international channels including TRT, İz TV, and Al Jazeera. As of September 2023, he serves as Video Production Specialist in Corporate Communication and Events Coordination at Institute Social.
Muhammed Seleş
Muhammed Seleş is a graphic designer with over 9 years of experience in graphic design, animation, web design, international marketing, and brand identity and has worked in several national and international companies. In 2021, he was involved in video production projects within the Presidency’s Directorate of Communications. He has provided graphic design support in website setup, design, and other technical matters to various institutions such as Türkiye Maarif Foundation, International Cooperation Platform, Gulf-Türkiye Economic Forum, and Giresun Municipality. He managed podcast production at the Türkiye Maarif Foundation. He has also undertaken website and corporate content design for NGOs such as Harmony and OkulDışı. He contributed to web design and brand identity development for the Goodness Championship project conducted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Seleş is pursuing his undergraduate studies in the Computer Engineering Department at Gebze Technical University. He serves as a Graphic Design Specialist at the Corporate Communication and Events Coordination of Institute Social.
Betül Berra Kurt
Betül Berra Kurt began her undergraduate studies in Graphic Design at Istanbul Şehir University. In 2022, she graduated from Marmara University. Additionally, she has completed a certified UI/UX training program.
She started her professional career as a graphic designer at the International Youth Association (Uluslararası Genç Derneği) and later worked as a graphic design coordinator at İLKE Foundation for three years. She has experience in publication design, corporate identity design, and venue area designs.
Kurt has been actively involved in various non-governmental organizations as a volunteer. Currently, she works as a graphic design specialist at Institute Social.
Beyza Gözükızıl
Beyza Gözükızıl completed her undergraduate studies in the Business Department at Gebze Technical University. She is currently pursuing her bachelor's degree in the Brand Communication Department at Anadolu University. She has previously served in social media management at Senfonico, gaining experience by overseeing the social media accounts of various companies. Beyza has also been part of the organizational team for brand events in different advertising agencies. In collaboration with the Youth Red Crescent, she has been a part of the writing team for multiple European projects over five years, simultaneously taking on the role of a peer trainer. Currently, she serves as Event and Organization Specialist at Institute Social.
Kübra Nur Duman
Kübra Nur Duman holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and New Media from Bahçeşehir University. She has had many articles and interviews published in Harvard Business Review Türkiye. She has been actively involved in civil society with ongoing involvement particularly in the fields of communication, media, and event organization. She served as the General Coordinator of the Akasis project, which focused on youth representation and peer learning, where she organized digital publications and events. She has prepared and managed various radio programs, podcasts, and videocasts, and she continues to prepare and host an individual podcast. As of August 2023, she is working as a New Media Specialist in the Corporate Communication and Events Coordination of Institute Social.
Rana Canan Cömert
Rana Canan Cömert is currently pursuing her undergraduate studies in the Sociology Department of Galatasaray University and is also undertaking a double major in the Faculty of Communication. She studied at the University of Grenoble Alpes within the Erasmus Programme. She holds a MMA certificate in internet and mobile marketing. She’s been involved in various national and international corporate social responsibility projects, including those with TRT and the International Maarif Foundation. She worked as a corporate communication intern in various organisations. She speaks English and French at advanced level and Arabic at intermediate level. She is currently working as a New Media Assistant at Institute Social.
Muhamed Sarenkapic
Muhamed Sarenkapic is currently studying Aeronautical Engineering at Istanbul Technical University. He earned a certificate in video editing through a training program held by Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University. Additionally, he has received training as a drone pilot and continues to work as a content producer. Sarenkapic collaborates with various national companies in marketing and social media content creation. He is actively involved in the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) projects at Istanbul Technical University’s Vefa Aviation Club, where he also manages the club’s social media presence. His expertise extends to content production, video editing, and social media design, which he has applied to projects for numerous NGOs and institutions. Sarenkapic has participated in social responsibility projects with both national and international institutions. He remains engaged in civil society, with a focus on media and event organization. He is fluent in Turkish (native), Bosnian, and Serbian, speaks advanced English, and has intermediate proficiency in Arabic. He is currently working as a video editing assistant at Institute Social.
Betül İbaçoğlu
Betül İbaçoğlu completed her associate degree in Printing and Publishing Technologies at Marmara University and her bachelor’s degree in Visual Communication Design at Istanbul Medeniyet University. She currently serves as an Assistant Video Editing Specialist at Institute Social.
Leyla Erdal
Leyla Erdal holds a bachelor’s degree from Yıldız Technical University, Department of Guidance and Psychological Counselling. She is currently pursuing her master’s degree at Yıldız Technical University. She has worked as a psychological counsellor in educational institutions both voluntarily and professionally. She has worked as a volunteer coordinator in several NGOs, and as of 2019, she has written and carried out national and international projects. She continues to work as an Assistant Project Specialist in the Research Supports and Projects Directorate of the Institute Social.
Duygu Sena Doğan
Doğan completed her undergraduate education at the University of Health Sciences, Department of Health Administration with a 2nd degree. During her undergraduate studies, she actively participated in various student clubs at the university. She is currently pursuing her master’s degree in the Department of Health Management at Istanbul Nişantaşı University while also serving as Human Resources Assistant Specialist at Institute Social.
Recep Ali Taşpınar
After his high school education, he studied electricity and electronics at the Special Technical Units Vocational School. He worked as a radio and television technician and technical service manager. He held positions as a technician, technical control specialist and technical chief at the Nun Foundation for Education and Culture. He works as the Administrative and Technical Affairs Officer at Institute Social.
Zeynep Keskin
Zeynep Keskin earned her degree in Mathematics from Istanbul Medeniyet University. During her studies, she founded the university’s Mathematics Club and served as its inaugural president for two terms, organizing numerous talks and events. She also engaged in various projects within civil society organizations. In 2024, she completed a research project titled Medical Decision-Making Using the Fuzzy Soft Set Method under the TÜBİTAK 2209-A program, focusing on applied mathematics and data analysis. With a strong interest in art and illustration, she has attended workshops on watercolor, acrylic, and digital drawing techniques. Her work includes projects in children’s book illustration and the design of educational materials. She currently serves as a research assistant and illustrator at Institute Social.
Yiğit Çelik
Yiğit Çelik completed his undergraduate studies in the Department of Sociology at Istanbul University. He is currently a graduate student in the Migration Studies Master’s Program at Istanbul University, working on his thesis titled “Strategies of Homeless Migrants in Istanbul to Cope with Homelessness”. He has been involved in the TÜBİTAK 1001 project titled “Experiences of Former Homeless Individuals in Overcoming Homelessness: The Case of Istanbul”. He serves as an Assistant Researcher in the field of Social Studies at Institute Social.
Banu Zehir
Banu Zehir, currently pursuing her undergraduate studies in the Department of Sociology at Istanbul Medeniyet University, has been actively involved with several non-governmental organizations. In 2022, she worked as an intern at a research institution. She serves as an Assistant Researcher in the field of Social Studies at Institute Social.
Merve Dede
Merve Dede graduated with honors in 2024 from the Department of Primary Mathematics Education at Marmara University. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Data Science and Big Data at Yıldız Technical University. With a strong focus on artificial intelligence, Dede has authored several articles and is actively involved in related projects. Her academic pursuits also include working with gifted students in mathematics and conducting research that integrates data science, artificial intelligence, and educational technologies.
Güler Bayrak
Bayrak graduated from Istanbul University Open and Distance Education Faculty Child Development Department. She worked as a civil servant at Esenler Trade Vocational High School between 2002-2012, Şişli Ahi Evran Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School between 2012-2019 and Cağaloğlu Traditional Turkish Arts Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School between 2019-2020. As of August 2023, she has been working as the Administrative Assistant at Institute Social.
Yunus Emre Yıldırım
Yunus Emre Yıldırım graduated from Üsküdar University in Political Science and International Relations in 2022. He has participated in academic activities related to social sciences, Turkish political history, and the Middle East within several non-governmental organizations. Additionally, he has experience in social media content production, project writing, and training. Currently, he serves as a Library Staff at the Institute Social.
Muhammet Emin Erdoğan
Erdoğan completed his associate degree at Kırklareli University, Department of Occupational Health and Safety. He completed his internship in the Human Resources Unit in Sultanbeyli Municipality. He works as secretary at Institute Social.
Cansu Kuru
Cansu Kuru completed her associate degree in Justice at Istanbul Okan University and is currently a second-year student in the Department of Social Work at Istanbul University. During her university education, she served as an assistant to various academic staff and actively participated in social responsibility projects targeting disadvantaged communities. Between 2023 and 2024, Kuru contributed to a UNHCR project in Gaziantep, where she worked with individuals under temporary protection. She currently serves as the Institute Secretary at Institute Social.
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