Eğitim Gündemi

30 EKİM - 5 KASIM 2024

4 Kasım

İngiltere’de Matematik Kaygısı Öğrencileri Olumsuz Etkiliyor

A study conducted in the UK highlights that maths anxiety, which is passed down through generations, continues as a “baleful family legacy.” In a survey conducted by GL Assessment, one in five primary school teachers expressed concern that there might be pupils in their class with undiagnosed dyscalculia, while 57% of teachers believe that widespread maths anxiety among students is hindering academic success. Of the 566 teachers surveyed, 19% suspect that some of their students may have dyscalculia, with many cases thought to remain undiagnosed.

According to the study, another factor hindering progress in maths is the lack of support at home. 53% of teachers believe that parents do not have the knowledge to assist their children with maths, which creates a barrier for students.

Additionally, 79% of teachers reported difficulties in covering the entire maths curriculum on time, and 82% advocate for updating the curriculum to make it more engaging for younger students.

The study also draws attention to the gender gap in maths performance. Of the teachers surveyed, 49% believe that girls progress more slowly in maths and tend to avoid mistakes.

Click here for the source.

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