Eğitim Gündemi


November 10

Instilling a Love for Reading in Korean Children: Private Academies

In Korea, parents are turning to private reading academies, in addition to traditional methods such as reading bedtime stories or visiting libraries, to instill a lifelong love of reading in their children. At these academies, children read for a set period and then participate in activities like writing summaries, studying vocabulary, and discussing the material with their teacher.

Known as “hagwon” in Korea, these reading academies also offer guided reading programs aimed at enhancing children’s cognitive development. The cost of reading lessons at these academies typically ranges between 150,000 and 200,000 won per month for two sessions per week.

However, these reading academies don’t just focus on fostering a love of reading in children; they also provide programs aimed at developing skills such as essay writing and debate as preparation for university entrance exams. Particularly prevalent in the English education sector, reading academies offer programs designed to increase students’ interest in reading, making language learning more effective.

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