Eğitim Gündemi


November 11

Reform Efforts Against Social Inequality in Ireland's Education System

In Ireland's education system, “grind schools” — private courses focused on university entrance exams or success in specific subjects — are increasingly being chosen by students. This growing trend has highlighted the need for changes in the education system. While traditional tutoring centers are being replaced by online courses, the impact of grind schools on students' academic success remains unclear. Research emphasizes the importance of belonging to a school community for students' development and well-being, yet it is suggested that grind schools may fall short in strengthening these social connections.

Furthermore, grind schools and private tuition are generally more accessible to high-income families, creating a financial burden for disadvantaged families. The shift of students with special needs to grind schools highlights the inadequacies within mainstream schools.

To reduce the reliance on grind schools in second-level education, several measures have been proposed. The opinion piece suggests adopting a more flexible, student-centered model in place of rote learning, providing extracurricular activities with government support rather than relying on teachers' voluntary efforts, offering comprehensive training for teachers to equip them for teaching diverse and digital classrooms, and strengthening schools in disadvantaged areas with additional resources to better meet student needs. If these reforms are implemented, the inequalities associated with the grind school model are expected to decrease. If these reforms are implemented, the appeal of grind schools is expected to diminish, helping create a more equitable education system.

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