Eğitim Gündemi

29 MAY - 4 JUNE 2024

29 MAY

Texas to Add More Biblical Content to Elementary School Curriculum

In Texas, the second-largest state in the United States, stories from the Bible will be included in the revamped elementary school curriculum. An announcement made last Wednesday stated that two million children in Texas will be educated under a new curriculum that emphasizes Bible stories to better understand the American cultural experience.


The updated curriculum, aimed at elementary students, marks a significant step in a movement embraced by conservatives who believe that children’s education should incorporate traditional values. From the story of Queen Esther to depictions of the Last Supper of Jesus, the new curriculum includes many biblical themes and aims to create connections between lesson content and religious texts.


Curriculum expert Mike Morath noted, “If you are reading classic works of American literature, religious undertones are often found,” indicating that each change in the curriculum aims to reinforce fundamental knowledge about American culture found in these works. Last year, Texas passed a law allowing pastors to work as school counselors, and education department officials highlighted that the new curriculum also includes materials from other faiths.

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