Eğitim Gündemi

29 MAY - 4 JUNE 2024


UK Expels Nigerian Students Amid Financial Crisis

Nigerian students at universities in the United Kingdom are deeply affected by the economic crisis in their home country. Due to these financial hardships, many students are unable to pay their tuition fees on time, leading to severe consequences, including expulsion from their universities.

At Teesside University, several Nigerian students were barred from attending classes due to non-payment of tuition fees, and the university reported these cases to the Home Office. The university administration stated that non-payment of fees constituted a breach of visa sponsorship requirements, leaving them with no choice but to notify the authorities.

In response, the Nigerian government announced that a delegation would meet with university officials to address what it described as unfair and unjust deportation orders for students unable to pay their tuition. This intervention follows incidents where postgraduate students in the UK were prevented from attending classes and reported to the Home Office.

As part of the Nigerian government’s intervention, a virtual meeting was held with the participation of Nigerian High Commissioner Christian Okeke and President of the Nigerian Students Union, Yemi Soile. During the meeting, students were advised to remain calm, while university administrations were urged to treat students with fairness and justice.

Jude Salubri, a Nigerian student at Teesside University who works 18 hours every weekend to afford his tuition, expressed his frustration, saying, “Our lives are still in limbo while we wait for decisions to be made.” Salubri also voiced his doubts about the effectiveness of the Nigerian government’s efforts, stating, “I think it will be a persuasive appeal, but I’m not sure they can force the university to do anything.”

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