All Kids Need Access to After-School Programming
Nick Melvoin advocates for the critical need for effective after-school programs as an integral part of public school education. He highlights the challenges families face during unexpected early school closures, such as those for parent-teacher conferences, which create
a scramble for child care and continuous learning. He argues that after-school programs provide a solution to these challenges and offer significant educational and developmental benefits.
Melvoin points to research indicating that regular participation in after-school programs improves students' math and reading grades, homework completion, classroom participation, and behavior. Beyond academic support, these programs offer a safe and nurturing environment, reducing crime and juvenile delinquency. He references a study from the Rose Institute at Claremont McKenna College, which found that for every dollar invested in after-school programs, there is a return of at least $3 through increased earning potential, improved school performance, and reduced crime. Despite the clear benefits, access to after-school programs is uneven, often split along socio-economic lines. This disparity exacerbates the achievement gap, yet there remains a lack of coherent funding and understanding of the most effective programs. Melvoin acknowledges the recent funding initiatives by California Governor Gavin Newsom but stresses the need for ongoing, flexible financing that aligns with other educational resources.