Daily PE Lessons in Chinese Schools Yield Positive Results
In Shenzhen, China, the policy of "one physical education (PE) lesson per day", implemented as part of compulsory education, has led to a reduction in the rate of myopia among students. Since the initiative was introduced in 2024, the percentage of children and adolescents with myopia has dropped to 55.5%, marking a 1.2 percentage point decreasecompared to 2023. Additionally, there has been a noticeable improvement in students’ overall physical fitness levels.
This policy has been adopted in various regions across China, including Beijing, Hunan, Hebei, Gansu, Tianjin, and Sichuan, where similar measures have been put into effect. Educators argue that PE lessons not only enhance physical health but also contribute positively to mental resilience and academic performance.
However, challenges remain in implementation, such as limited sports facilities and a shortage of PE teachers. To address these issues, the Chinese government has expanded teacher training programmes for PE instructors and introduced new regulations allowing retired athletes and coaches to serve as part-time PE teachers. Moreover, a shared-use system has been established, enabling students to use public sports facilities during school hours, while the public can access school sports areas during holidays.
As China continues to promote PE lessons nationwide, a national education reform plan is being developed with the goal of ensuring that all students engage in at least two hours of physical activity per day by 2035.