How Information Communication Technologies are Transforming Family Relationships?

On April 18, the Institute Social held a workshop titled “The Impact of Information Communication Technologies on the Transformation of Family Relations”. Academics, social scientists, information technology experts and educators who are experts in their fields attended the workshop, which was organized to determine the current state of family communication dynamics in the face of digitalization and to contribute to the search for strengthening conscious protection behavior between parents and their children.

The workshop took place in two sessions. In the workshop, the preliminary report of the Institute Social's field research with the same name was presented to the participants. Within the scope of the research, summary findings from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with a total of 48 people from 16 families living in different districts of Istanbul and in different socioeconomic income groups were shared with the workshop participants. The problems experienced by families and children regarding the use of information and communication technologies (ICT); the risks and opportunities that these technologies create in social and daily life; and the responsibilities of parents, government bodies and technology companies were discussed.

In the concluding part of the workshop, policy recommendations for lawmakers were presented based on the summary findings of the research.

Following the completion of the field research and the release of the detailed report on May 30th, it is envisaged that a policy recommendation and analysis will be published and parental trainings will be designed in light of the research findings.


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