Eğitim Gündemi


September 20

Curriculum Restrictions in US Public Schools Affect Both Teachers and Students

A growing number of states have enacted laws that create legal and professional challenges for educators. These laws restrict open discussions on history and current events, ban conversations about identity, and prohibit books by or about people from diverse backgrounds. More than 30 states have introduced or passed over 100 anti-diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) bills, with 20 states specifically banning discussions of race and gender in classrooms. The opinion piece highlights that these laws could make it more difficult for teachers to do their jobs, potentially hindering students from gaining the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the global economy. It emphasizes that public schools in the United States are important spaces where students can learn to engage with and build bridges between people of different beliefs and backgrounds, but it warns that these restrictive laws may jeopardize this goal.

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