Eğitim Gündemi

17 JULY - 23 JULY 2024


Is the Overuse of Technology in Education Enhancing Quality or Creating Pressure?

In an opinion article on Inside Higher Ed, Adam Szetela discusses the overuse of technology in education and the constant introduction of new products, which are causing significant controversy in academic circles. This system, termed the Pedagogical Industrial Complex (PIC), continuously introduces new products through subscriptions, apps, conferences, workshops, and seminars, placing pressure on teachers and students rather than improving educational quality.


Szetela notes that civil society organizations and consultants play a critical role in the functioning of PIC. While the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) focuses on the war on terror, PIC centers on student outcomes, which are often unclear. Although adopting new technologies and practices is claimed to enhance student outcomes, the actual impact remains debatable.


Szetela observes that in the academic job market, discussions about technology-oriented pedagogies have become more important than teaching philosophy statements. This trend increases teachers’ dependence on technology and raises questions about the quality of education.


Technocentrism, the acceptance of technology as the center of everything, further reinforces this trend. The passion for technological innovations in education, combined with neoliberal influences, replaces charismatic and effective teachers with those who are proficient with technology but lack effective communication with students. This new type of teacher is often described as machine-like, inaccessible, and dull.


As a result, the overuse of technology and new products in education can negatively affect educational quality. Therefore, teachers and educational institutions need to focus on truly improving student outcomes by using technology in a balanced and effective manner.

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