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A Guide to School Mobile Phone Policies: Need to Know

The UK government has released a new guide to regulate the use of mobile phones in schools. According to Education Minister Gillian Keegan, mobile phones create an unwanted distraction in the classroom. The guide aims to support teachers in regulating behaviors.

Although the guidance does not directly give headteachers new powers to ban the devices, the government hopes to encourage a consistent approach across schools. Several schools have already prohibited the use of mobile phones under their own policies.

Geoff Barton, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) criticized the government’s stance on mobile phones in schools. He stated that the issue is frequently raised, but it is a solution to a non-existent problem. According to Barton, it would be more beneficial for the government to focus on controlling harmful online content that children can access.

The guidance emphasizes that school mobile phone policies should be tailored to the unique situation and needs of each school. Four different approaches are suggested, and it is noted that these recommendations are not exhaustive.

A ban means that the possession of mobile phones on school grounds is prohibited, and they should be left at home. This creates a clear boundary, beyond which the policy is violated if any mobile phone is found on school premises, making it easy to enforce.

Handing in mobile phones on arrival means that they are collected by staff and kept until the end of the school day. Schools should be aware of the possibility that a student may have another mobile phone.

To ensure safety, it is suggested that mobile phones be kept in a secure location, such as lockers. One example of this is ‘bag-free days’, where students are required to store their belongings in lockers. 

It was suggested that mobile phones should never be used, seen or heard, which could be achieved by ensuring that although pupils have their phones, they are not used, seen or heard in school. It is crucial that schools implement this policy in a strong, consistent, and visible way to underline that the use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited during the school day.

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