Eğitim Gündemi

24 JULY - 30 JULY 2024

July 24

American Youth Advocate for Inclusion of AI in University Curricula

Most college graduates in the United States want generative artificial intelligence tools to be incorporated into university courses. According to a new survey by Cengage Group, which conducts research on educational technologies, 70% of graduates in the country believe that basic generative AI training should be integrated into courses, while 55% stated that their degree programs did not prepare them to use new technology tools in the workforce. Additionally, 39% of the graduates surveyed expressed concern that generative AI could completely change their jobs.

According to the survey, 61% of Generation Z graduates in the United States feel unprepared for the workforce, compared to 48% for the Millennial generation and 60% for Generation X. Cengage Group CEO Michael Hansen noted that concerns about AI have diminished as expectations for the technology have become more realistic, stating, “The education system is a bit behind, so we haven’t built the curriculum we need.”

Cengage Group also surveyed employers, finding that half believe new hires lack AI skills. According to the survey, 62% of employers think that both potential and current employees should have basic knowledge of generative AI tools, while 58% said they are more likely to interview and hire candidates with AI experience.

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