Eğitim Gündemi


December 3

South Korea to Launch AI-Powered Textbooks

In March 2025, South Korea plans to introduce AI-powered digital textbooks in select classrooms. This initiative aims to personalize learning and reduce administrative burdens for teachers. The Ministry of Education has unveiled 76 state-approved AI textbooks, marking a significant step toward integrating artificial intelligence into the national education system.

The textbooks will be used by students in grades 3, 4, 7, and the first year of high school. AI tools embedded in the textbooks will evaluate speaking and writing skills in real time, provide grammar guidance, and even correct sentences instantly, with results shared directly with teachers. This system is expected to benefit introverted students by offering private feedback without the pressure of speaking in front of the class.

Teachers will have access to tools to create individualized assessments, assign personalized tasks, and digitally track student progress. This innovation promises to reduce the workload associated with paper-based materials and grading.

However, some concerns persist among educators and parents. Teachers emphasize the importance of their role in interpreting AI-generated data and providing detailed feedback. The three-month trial period is also raising concerns about potential challenges arising from varying levels of digital literacy among teachers.

Parents, on the other hand, express worries about excessive digital dependence and the decline of traditional literacy skills. To address these concerns, developers aim to incorporate features like screen-locking to help students maintain focus.

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