Eğitim Gündemi

23 OCTOBER - 29 OCTOBER 2024

October 28

Slovenia Introduces Amendments to Modernize Its Education System

Slovenia has introduced significant changes to the Basic School Act as part of efforts to modernise its education system and ensure equal opportunities for students. The new reforms include mandatory foreign language instruction from the first grade, an updated extended basic education programme, and stricter regulations for home education.

The revised law applies to both public and private schools, as well as to students who are homeschooled. The requirement for compulsory foreign language learning from the first grade aims to promote multilingualism and has been positively received by parents and educators alike.

The extended basic education programme has also been restructured. Schools will now offer supportive content in areas such as physical activity, health, culture, citizenship education, and learning-to-learn skills. Participation in these activities is voluntary, with elective courses not graded, thereby encouraging students to engage in extracurricular activities without pressure.

Tighter regulations for home education stipulate that students must meet the same standards as those in formal schools, with the possibility of losing the right to continue homeschooling if these standards are not met. However, students will be allowed to return to regular schools at any point during the academic year.

Additionally, a mandatory national knowledge assessment for third-year students has been introduced. This exam will evaluate reading and mathematics skills and may be considered during applications to secondary education programmes.

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