Eğitim Gündemi


February 16

Finnish Students Struggle as Academic Performance and School Engagement Decline

A nationwide study conducted by Tampere University and the University of Helsinki has revealed a significant decline in academic performance and school engagement among ninth-grade students in Finland. The Learning to Learn assessment, conducted in spring 2024, shows that students are performing worse than in previous years and are increasingly disengaged from education. Compared to assessments in 2001 and 2017, there has been a notable deterioration in both academic skills and students’ confidence in their ability to learn.

One of the most striking findings is the growing belief among students that success is based on luck rather than effort. This mindset is particularly prevalent among male students, but lead researcher Professor Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen emphasizes that the trend is evident across all schools, socioeconomic groups, and genders.

The study suggests that declining academic performance and shifting attitudes may be linked to broader societal issues. Vainikainen notes that many students feel they have lost control over their future, which could be contributing to their disengagement from education.

The findings also reveal that many struggling students show little commitment to lessons and exams, suggesting that their disinterest in learning extends beyond test-taking to daily educational activities.

Vainikainen stresses that improving academic performance requires more than just curriculum reforms—efforts must also focus on enhancing students’ attitudes, beliefs, and the overall school environment.

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