Use Home Visits to Strengthen Connections for Newcomer Students
The article discusses the significance of home visits for newcomer students and their families, emphasizing that such visits should be prearranged, voluntary, and focused on listening and learning. Experts from a webinar hosted by the Institute for Educational Leadership and Welcoming America highlighted the importance of adopting an asset-based mindset when welcoming families new to the country, focusing on students' strengths rather than challenges.
Increased immigration and the enrollment of many international newcomer students in U.S. schools, underline the need for effective integration strategies. To support these students, districts have opened welcome centers, and the U.S. Department of Education has published a toolkit addressing their academic, social-emotional, and mental health needs.
However, challenges persist, including state-level guidance on enrolling newcomer students and recognizing their prior academic experiences. Effective home visits involve planning, awareness of additional pressures on families, overcoming language barriers, and educators adopting a learner and listener role rather than an expert stance. The article suggests practical steps for home visits, such as involving translators, using simple language, and building relationships through non-verbal gestures.
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