Eğitim Gündemi


September 10

OECD 2024 Education Report Released

The 2024 Education at a Glance Report, prepared by the OECD, sheds light on global education systems and presents significant findings. The report focuses on key topics such as educational attainment, labor market outcomes, and equity in education. This year’s report offers crucial insights into various areas, from the status of young adults in the labor market to gender disparities.

The report highlights positive developments in the employment rates of at-risk young adults. The employment rate for individuals aged 25-34 without an upper secondary qualification increased from 59% to 61%. Additionally, young people staying in education longer has improved their job prospects. On the other hand, the success of women in education is not reflected equally in the labor market. While girls outperform boys academically, women still face significant disadvantages in the workforce. For example, the employment rate for women aged 25-34 without upper secondary qualifications remains at 47%, compared to 72% for men. Similarly, even highly educated women earn less than their male counterparts.

The report also emphasizes the strong influence of socioeconomic factors on educational outcomes. Children from low-income families perform worse in standardized tests. Early childhood education plays a critical role in reducing these inequalities, but low-income families still face significant barriers to accessing these services. Moreover, teacher shortages, particularly in disadvantaged areas, are deepening educational inequalities. Attracting qualified teachers to these regions remains a significant challenge. The OECD stresses the need for new policies focused on equity, gender disparities, and teacher recruitment to make education systems more inclusive.

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