Eğitim Gündemi

4 MARCH - 10 MARCH 2024


Concerning Rise in Chronic Absenteeism in US Schools

In recent years, the issue of chronic absenteeism in K-12 schools in the United States has shown a significant increase. In the 2021-22 academic year, approximately 14.7 million students, or 29.7% of students, were reported as chronically absent. This rise is considered concerning by many experts compared to the 16% absenteeism rate before the pandemic in 2019, according to the US Department of Education.

In response to growing concerns, the White House emphasized the necessity of a comprehensive strategy to combat chronic absenteeism in a blog post in 2023. The strategy called for collaboration among educators, families, and policymakers to understand the fundamental reasons for absenteeism and to implement effective interventions. Jody O’Brien, the Assistant Director of Student Services and Equity at Marlborough Public Schools in Massachusetts, was selected as one of the school leaders most effectively using the strategy presented for chronic absenteeism. O’Brien, who shared examples of how his district addressed the absenteeism problem with the EdSurge education platform, highlighted the importance of robust data tracking systems to quickly identify students at risk in reducing absenteeism.

“The pandemic has highlighted the need to closely examine the academic impact of increasing absenteeism and to develop strong relationships between students and educators that create a sense of belonging and security,” said O’Brien, a thirty-year educator, emphasizing the vital importance of reducing absenteeism. O’Brien, who illustrated the strategies he implemented in his district with examples, initially addressed barriers causing chronic absenteeism, such as health issues and food insecurity.

O’Brien also guided families in areas of Massachusetts with high rates of chronic absenteeism to access financial support. Working closely with students who were chronically absent, O’Brien led the organization of social programs that allowed students to understand and address their unique challenges, initiating mentorship programs.

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