Eğitim Gündemi

3 JULY - 9 JULY 2024


China’s Declining Birth Rate Threatens Education

China’s total fertility rate, which measures the number of births per woman, is approximately 1.0, which is well below the 2.1 needed to maintain current population levels. A report by the U.S.-based Peterson Institute for International Economics indicates that China’s population decline is approaching a “point of no return” raising concerns about the country’s long-term economic prospects.

Overall, the decline in birth rates and the out-migration of young people have resulted in a significant reduction in the number of children of school age. Between 2013 and 2022, 60% of primary schools were closed in Heilongjiang, more than half in Jilin, and almost half in Liaoning. By 2035, China’s school-age population is projected to decline from 328 million to 250 million.

A notable deficiency in the infrastructure of boarding schools is evident, A survey of boarding schools revealed that fewer than half had shower facilities, a third lacked sports facilities, and 60% did not have nurses. Students from rural areas encounter difficulties in urban schools due to a lack of financial and moral support.

The closure of schools in rural areas of China has led to a redistribution of resources in the education sector. The relocation of students from rural families to township-level urban schools has resulted in difficulties for them in accessing quality education. Rural students are marginalized in urban schools due to a lack of financial and moral support. The education system must develop new strategies to address challenges such as declining birth rates and migration.

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