Ofsted Integrates Artificial Intelligence into Education Inspection
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted), one of the most important and influential inspection organizations in Europe, will train inspectors on the use of artificial intelligence and explore how the technology can help improve decision-making in the school inspection system.
The British government has asked education institutions and policy regulators to define their strategic approaches to artificial intelligence by the end of April. In response to the government’s call, Ofsted officials have stated that artificial intelligence is already being utilized in risk assessments of “good” schools, but they are also researching how AI can help make better decisions based on current data. Ofsted officials emphasized that collaboration with AI is crucial for “working more efficiently” and “further improving the inspection and regulation process,” indicating that AI will be used in the next step for reporting irregularities by examination boards.
Ofsted’s statement highlighted the greatest benefits of AI, including risk assessment and more efficient operations through automation in the inspection system, and the optimal use of data. Additionally, training inspectors on this technology and its various applications is seen as a significant contribution. Ofsted also stated that as long as it improves children’s education, schools support the use of artificial intelligence. While the impact of new technology on children is still poorly understood, research on the use of AI and its effects will be a guiding force in integrating it into education.