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February 22

How AI is Transforming Students' Reading and Writing Skills

Educators in the United States are debating the effects of artificial intelligence on students’ reading and writing skills. Lisa Parry, a 12th-grade teacher in South Dakota, encouraged her students to use ChatGPT to develop more creative ideas after noticing that their essays were becoming monotonous. She suggested that her students consult AI for topic ideas for their book report on Fast Food Nation, believing that this approach could expand their thinking process.

According to a study conducted by RAND Corporation, approximately 40% of English teachers in the U.S. are incorporating AI into their classrooms. However, data from the U.S. Department of Education indicate that students’ literacy levels continue to decline compared to pre-COVID-19 levels. Peggy Carr, Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), emphasized that students are writing fewer essays and spending more time on screens instead of reading books.

Ying Xu, an expert in AI and education at Harvard University, argues that AI-assisted tools can help students improve their reading and writing skills, but they cannot fully replace human teachers. Xu pointed out that students engage in less conversation and their social skills may be hindered when they interact with AI instead of humans.

Despite concerns, some teachers support the integration of AI into education. Jen Roberts, an English teacher in San Diego, allows her students to use AI-based tools to improve their writing. However, Katie Thomas, a high school teacher in New Jersey, discovered that her students were submitting AI-generated texts and subsequently mandated that all assignments be handwritten.

Meanwhile, some school districts in the U.S. are preparing to formally integrate AI-powered teaching tools into their curricula. Newark Public Schools plans to incorporate Khan Academy’s AI-driven writing tools, while officials in the San Ramon Valley Unified School District have begun discussions on AI’s impact on writing education.

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