Eğitim Gündemi

11 MARCH - 17 MARCH 2024


Education Inequality Across Cities in the UK

New research in the UK has revealed significant differences in Science and Mathematics education between the capital, London, and the rest of the country, highlighting the issues faced by students from disadvantaged groups.  


In a study conducted by Teach First and YouGov, which surveyed over 1,000 young people aged 11-16, 83% of youngsters in London reported enjoying learning science, compared to just 68% of those outside the capital. The research also showed that the gap is even wider in Mathematics, with 79.5% of 11–16-year-olds in London finding the subject enjoyable, as opposed to only 57% of their counterparts in the rest of the country.  


The research conducted by Teach First and YouGov also pointed out that investments in the emerging STEM industries are predominantly concentrated in London and the southeast region of the country, suggesting that the different nature of disadvantage also affects educational outcomes.  


David Thomas, in an article for SchoolWeeks, expressed that the situation outside London is unfair to children and, consequently, to England as a whole. Believing that all students across the country should be aware of STEM careers, Thomas recommended providing online work experience in STEM fields for children in rural areas. He also emphasized the need for inspirational teachers in disadvantaged areas where teacher shortages are most acutely felt, to address the inequality in STEM education and ensure that every child is taught STEM by a qualified teacher.

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