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September 16, 2024

Call for Debate Clubs and Oracy Skills Development in State Schools

Jonathan Noakes, a senior leader at Eton College, advocates that state schools in the UK should establish debate clubs to improve students’ oracy skills and that teachers should be trained to encourage discussions. Noakes points out that private schools, with their abundant resources, are at an advantage in this regard, while many state schools face disadvantages in terms of class sizes and teacher training. 

A report by the Sutton Trust highlights that 96% of teachers believe that life skills are as important as academic success, yet more than half of the teachers in state schools feel that students do not have enough opportunities to develop these skills. While private schools have more resources in this area, it is argued that state schools should focus on establishing debate clubs and providing teacher training to enhance students’ oracy skills. These skills are considered vital for students to express themselves effectively and succeed in university or job applications. Initiatives like debate clubs are seen as a promising approach to achieving this goal.

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